Monday, October 4, 2010

Starcraft II - 4 Gate Rush

Been playing A LOT, probably too much Starcraft II recently. After playing with a few very skilled players, i've learend a lot of new strategies including a Protoss 4-gate strategy that I'd like to share. Found this on another site and thought that its pretty similar to what I do:

The 4 Gateway Semi Rush build is by far one of the most powerful Protoss build orders. Not only does it hold the potential of ending the game in the early stages it also set’s you up nicely for the middle to late game. I personally use the 4 gate build and love it the variety of different units it allows you to produce. Check out the build order directly below or a video of the build by SpookyCaster.

  • I personally get my Pylon at 10 supply but getting it at 9 or 10 will work just as well. Once the pylon finishes just keep building probes. To speed this up make sure to Chrono Boost your nexus.
  • At 13 supply throw down your first Gateway, and send the probe that built it to go scouting for your opponent. Once the Gateway is around 3/4′s of the way done (around 15 to 17 supply) build another Pylon and a Assimilator. Remember to keep pumping out dem probes.
  • Once your Gateway is finished, build a zealot and throw down a Cybernetics Core. Put 2 probes in gas.
  • At 22 supply build another pylon to support your incoming troops. Around that time your core should finish, when it does do two things. Put up another Assimilator and research warp gate.
  • When you hit 28 supply put up 2 more gateways, and at 30 you should have enough to make your 4th gate :) . Turn all your gateways into warp gates and start massing up your army. You should be building a new pylon everytime you warp in some units. This way you wont have to worry about ever being supply blocked.
  • Within a few moments you should have enough units to begin your push. I usually push at 45 supply and build a pylon near their base for the purpose of warping in units. Even if my attack fails I will havecontrol of the center of the map and can control the game from there.

Build Order

9 Pylon
13 Gateway
15 Pylon & Assimilator
16 1st Zealot
17 Cybernetics
22 Pylon
23 Assimilator & Warp gate technology
27 3 More Gateways

Build Tips

1. Use your first zealot to block the ramp or stop any scouting units.

2. Constantly be building units out of your first gateway.

3. When building pylons try to put them all around your base. This will give you a larger vision and give you a headsup if your enemy ever try’s to sneak through your back door.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Celebrity Warcraft

Thanks to Justin, I'm going to Blizzcon!! In related News, I was browsing the net and came across some of these celebrities that play WoW. It shouldn't surprise me however, especially since Blizzard is pushing 12 million subscribers of WoW.
Mila Kunitz
Vin Diesel
Jamie Lee Curtis
(starts at 2:16)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

M v C 3 has just been announced!

While only six of the game's characters are shown in this short, almost entirely gameplay-free trailer, many others are hinted at.

What we know for sure is that Wolverine, the Hulk, Iron Man, Street Fighter's Ryu, Darkstalker's Morrigan and Resident Evil's Chris Redfield will be in the game.

As taken from: